Borderline Shooting in Thousand Oaks

Dear MPC Family,

I’m sure you’ve heard about the horrific shooting that happened in Thousand Oaks last night. What a sad and terrible tragedy!

We as a church want to do all we can to provide comfort and support to those suffering because of this tragedy. To that end, Pastor Jennifer is available at the church today until 2pm for any who want to talk or pray. Barbra Winter, our on-sight Christian counselor, is also available to meet with any who wish to process their feelings. You can call the church office if you’d like to set up a meeting with her.

There will be an all-area vigil at 6pm today at Kavli Theatre in the Thousand Oaks Civic Art Plaza in support of all who are confused, angry and grieving. There will also be a prayer gathering at Monte Vista Presbyterian Church ( 3797 Lynn Rd, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 · 805-498-8213 ) at 5pm, where Christians can gather to pray for our broken and hurting world.

I encourage you to give blood where needed if you can. Local Blood Drive info is pending, but we’ll update you as soon as we have firm information.

A fund has been set up at  We are also looking into Presbytery resources whereby we can provide financial support specifically to the families dealing with financial hardship because of medical costs related to this shooting, along with other ways we can come along side those most affected by this tragedy.

Please join us in praying for all who are suffering because of this senseless and misguided event. God grieves with everyone who is suffering when things like this happen that have nothing to God’s will or ways! May we all be God’s compassionate and caring presence to any we encounter in the wake of this terrible tragedy.

With sadness and concern in Jesus,

Pastor Mike Harbert

Author: Dave Hubbard

I have a passion for scrapping old systems and creating new ones, and for stirring the pot.

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