Snapchat, Nonsense & Important Questions You Should Be Asking

As kids, we like to be silly. Somewhere this must be ingrained into us as humans because it slips out even in adulthood; we just get more guarded. What’s alarming though, is that – I’ve been learning – adolescence is creeping into adulthood.

This is crazy –> In 1904 when the term “adolescence” was coined by a guy named G. Stanley Hall, adolescence began at age 14.5 and ended at 16 (just 1.5 years). Today, it begins at about age 10 and ENDS AT AGE 30-ish (a period of 20 years…WHAT!?!?!?). Read more about it from this guy.

This means that kids are taking longer to grow up. I had the thought that social media could be partly to blame.  Here’s why:

Continue reading “Snapchat, Nonsense & Important Questions You Should Be Asking”

Being a part of the church means…

We do these outreach nights every month or so where the idea is to help you think about how & why the church isn’t weird. Our hope is that maybe some people who think the church is a weird place might come to find that it can actually be quite normal.
Truth is, a lot of people probably think the church is this weird place.

Continue reading “Being a part of the church means…”