6/19/15-6/20/15 – Senior Retreat

Senior Group

At FOHO (Forrest Home Winter Camp) in February Dave and I felt a tug to have a Senior Retreat for our graduating Seniors. This is not something we have done at Renew before and we had no idea what it would look like. So we got busy figuring it out. We asked Michael & Gayle Hughes if we could invade their beautiful home for 24 hours and they graciously said yes. We asked Hunter VanDam if Coat & Colors would be willing to come worship with us and they said yes. We asked Tracey Flitsch if the Women’s and Men’s ministries would be willing to provide meals for us and they said yes. And then we asked Dean May if he would be willing to come and share some words of wisdom and encouragement for these young men and women and he said yes! Dave and I were once again amazed at the love for our youth by the people of our congregation. We are also reminded of God’s involvement and movement in our relationships with these kids. We were humbled by all of this!

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